Base Metal Electrowinning

Winning with electrode design to reduce operating cost in traditional processes

Energy savings




Since 1972, De Nora continues to improve mixed metal oxide (MMO) anode coatings to better serve base-metal electrowinning.

Today there are more than 50,000 De Nora DSA® anodes installed in electrowinning tankhouses and recovery operation plants worldwide. These highly efficient electrowinning tankhouses excel at providing optimum quality for recovering metal.

Some of the applications of our titanium mixed metal oxide (MMO) anodes include nickel and cobalt electrowinning production, precious metal refining (gold, silver, rhodium), recovery of copper from bleed streams, and retrieval of valuable metals from industrial wastewater.

Discover more about our solutions

The use of De Nora’s anodes in electrowinning applications provide beneficial power savings, enhance productivity and provide a lead-free plated metal cathode product.

We are constantly searching for innovative solutions that guarantee performance improvement to enhance commercial products and tank-house operations Innovation partnerships support our customers in plants expansions, greenfield projects and anodes technology upgrade.

Our team of experts is always available to work with engineering companies to develop and validate new anode concepts for breakthrough technologies and new electrowinning cell designs.
