Code of Conduct for De Nora Permelec

(For applicable parties)
This code of conduct applies to all executives and employees of De Nora Permelec (including loaned employees, contractors, part-time employees, employees on temporary assignment, dispatch workers, and temporary staff).

1- Compliance with the law, as upstanding corporate citizens

We shall act with good sense and responsibility, whether inside or outside Japan. We shall comply not only with the relevant laws and regulations but also with internal regulations, including the articles of incorporation, socially appropriate commercial practices, and social ethics.

We shall actively contribute as members of society and behave in a way that we can be proud of as corporate citizens. We shall respect the human rights of every individual without discriminating based on race, creed, gender, religion, nationality, physical disability, or similar criteria.

2- Work environment

We shall strive to respect each other, freely exchange opinions, and build a bright and open workplace with a free and open-minded corporate culture, so that all executives and employees can perform to the best of their abilities.

We shall work hard to ensure that healthy discipline, environment, and order in the workplace are not disrupted by public order and morals violations, such as sexual harassment or abuses of authority.

3- Quality improvement

All executives and employees shall continuously strive for customer satisfaction and work hard to improve quality control and quality-related services.

4- Environmental Conservation

To conserve the global environment, we shall continue to contribute to society through environmentally friendly initiatives in all business activities and through energy-saving and reuse of resources - two characteristic strengths of our company's products.

5- Fair business practices

From the standpoint of fair business practices, we shall not act unfairly, such as providing our business connections with factually inaccurate or misleading information. We shall also make fair and equitable choices when purchasing inventory.

6- Gifts and after-hours entertainment

In our relationships with business connections, we shall not give or receive gifts (goods or monetary sums) or excessive after-hours entertainment outside the scope of general business practice and common courtesy.

7- Appropriate accounting and tax accounting practices

We shall comply with accounting and tax-related laws, accounting regulations, and internal regulations, engage in appropriate accounting and tax accounting practices and strive to build effective internal controls.

8- Safeguarding assets and confidentiality

We shall safeguard and manage company assets (tangible or intangible) without using them for unauthorized purposes.
We shall not leak information on confidential matters of the company or its business connections.

9- Avoidance of conflicts of interest

We shall not engage in acts that harm the company or its business connections for personal profit.
We shall not use information systems for purposes outside of company work.

10- Report

In the event of a violation of this code of conduct, we shall not hesitate to report it to our immediate manager or the compliance committee.