Coexisting with our business connections


In September 2015, it was decided that we at De Nora Permelec# would change our listed trade names to the "De Nora" brand. We are now taking this opportunity to further strengthen our initiatives toward corporate social responsibility as members of the De Nora Group and take steps to contribute to the sustainable development of society.

While it goes without saying that compliance should be prioritized over profit, the increasing expectation on companies to fulfill their social responsibility means that to have a chance at sustainability ourselves, we must strengthen our initiatives for basic labor rights, business protocol, health and safety, and the environment. Recognizing this, we are working hard to update our relevant internal regulations and disseminate them to all employees.

We must stress above all that these initiatives will not be achieved through our efforts alone; our business connections (suppliers) cooperation is essential. Our various business activities, particularly regarding procurement, play a central role in our work at CSR.

With this in mind, we recently defined a "code of ethics for suppliers" as a set of standards for the entire De Nora Group. This code of ethics defines the bare minimum standards and guidelines for doing business with our Group, which we hope suppliers will respect and adhere to.

We hereby ask all of our suppliers to comply with these standards. #: Includes these two companies: De Nora Permelec DSE Manufacturing, Ltd. (a 100% subsidiary) and De Nora Permelec Techno Service, Ltd.

Open door policy and fair business practices

We strive to open our doors to all suppliers, whether inside or outside the country and promote fair and equitable business practices. Our basic policy is to select suppliers with the goal of coexistence and shared prosperity based on mutual trust, among whom those who promise to comply with our "code of ethics for suppliers" are evaluated based on fair criteria such as quality, technical capabilities, price, deadlines, and state of management. We then procure supplies in order starting from the suppliers with the highest comprehensive evaluation.

Request to comply with the law and corporate ethics

The following list shows the kinds of basic principles we abide by in our daily work. We ask for the cooperation of our suppliers and request them not only to comply with the aforementioned "code of ethics for suppliers" but also to base their operations on similar principles and to continue to uphold both the law and corporate ethics.

  • Providing environmentally conscious products and services

We are doubling down on our efforts to develop businesses that play a part in building a hydrogen-based society, including wastewater treatment, electrowinning of precious metals, and manufacturing of products that contribute to the environment.

  • Protecting intellectual property rights

We protect and use our intellectual property rights while respecting the intellectual property of others.

  • Protecting personal information

We collect personal information necessary for our work through appropriate methods while clearly indicating their purpose of use. We ensure thorough management of personal information learned in the course of our work.

  • Thorough information management

We do not disclose information learned in the course of work that has previously been unpublished, such as information on suppliers and their executives and employees. This rule applies whether we are currently working or retired.

  • Internal education to promote fair and equitable business practices

To promote fair and equitable business practices, we educate and train our procurement officers as necessary, on rules and regulations such as the Antimonopoly Act, the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and important laws such as the Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors.

  • Addressing antisocial forces

We maintain a firm stance against antisocial groups and individuals who pose a threat to social order and safety and do not form ties with them.

  • Gifts and after-hours entertainment

Executives and employees do not accept gifts or after-hours entertainment outside the bounds of conventional wisdom and common sense. The same rule applies to executives and employees offering gifts or after-hours entertainment to suppliers.

  • Separating public and private life

We consciously differentiate between public and private life in our actions. As far as possible, we avoid private acts within work hours and strictly prohibit the use not only of company property but also of separate assets such as public funds and other received funds outside their purpose of use. We deal strictly with any violations of this rule.

  • Honest communication We are honest in our communications.

We do not communicate in ways that are abusive to others or harm their personal dignity.

  • Respect for individuals

We respect each of our colleagues' personalities, individuality, and privacy. We do not disclose employees' personal information owned by the company without the consent of those concerned, in the absence of legal exceptions or justifiable necessity to our work.

  • Prohibition of discrimination, such as on the basis of gender

We do not discriminate against staff based on gender, age, race, ideology, creed, religion, physical disability, place of birth, nationality, or similar criteria. The same applies to our hiring process. Violence, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, and similar actions are not tolerated in the workplace.

Management of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property, the starting point of De Nora

From the discovery of a powerful disinfectant to the design of large industrial plants, De Nora considers Intellectual Property (IP) a key element of its business strategy.

De Nora has been continuously committed in developing innovative new technologies and products and in the protection of these results since 1923, when Oronzio De Nora, the founder, filed his first industrial patent for an electrolyzer.

The Global Intellectual Property Department

The Global Intellectual Property Department aims to secure, manage, and enforce the Company's intellectual property rights at a global level.

The department is engaged in a variety of IP activities, from drafting and filing patent and trademark applications to the management and subsequent maintenance of the resulting portfolio, from preventive patentability searches to freedom to operate analysis, from economic valuations of patents and trademarks to complete due diligence projects, from drafting confidentiality agreements to providing legal support for all contracts directly or indirectly concerning intellectual property matters, from sharing technical information to managing know how and trade secrets.

The department currently has IP offices in Italy and Japan.

Building a Global Patent Portfolio

The Global Intellectual Property Department supports the Company's business by developing its patent and trademark portfolio on a global scale. This ensures worldwide protection for innovations emerging from R&D as well as the promotion and recognition of the Group's products and services across the world.

De Nora currently owns more than 2500 patents worldwide and over 90 trademarks in more than 80 countries.

The global presence of IP rights ensures that De Nora keeps a strong position in the relevant markets and prevents other players from exploiting technologies and products without authorization. The Global Intellectual Property Department will continue to build, maintain and enforce De Nora's global portfolio.

Intellectual property training system

Periodic intellectual property trainings for the De Nora's employees are organized with the purpose of increasing the general level of awareness on how to legally treat confidential information (disclosed to or received from third parties), on the correct use of De Nora's trademarks, and on the most common forms of industrial property protection (patents, trademarks, trade secrets).

Respect for Intellectual Property

De Nora respects the intellectual property rights (IPRs) of others to the fullest. Weekly patent surveys containing all the latest patent publications divided by area of interest are issued in order to ensure the circulation of relevant scientific information as well as to timely alert other functions of De Nora on the presence of industrial property rights of third parties.

Freedom to Operate projects are carried out when undertaking R&D on new products and technologies in order to ensure their clearance with respect to third parties' rights. In case relevant IPRs are identified, De Nora seeks licenses or other appropriate agreements from the rightful IPRs holders.

Reward System for Employee Inventions

De Nora motivates employees and fosters innovation with a reward system for new inventions. The program includes a monetary reward and different types of recognitions for the inventors.

An internal Invention Management Committee comprising the CEO and the CTO, as well as professionals from R&D, HR, Marketing and Business Development and the Global Intellectual Property Department ensures that the system operates effectively across the whole group.

De Nora will continuously review its program/measures and improve them whenever necessary to fully comply with respective laws and other standards at all time.


Trace Certification

"TRACE has successfully completed a TRACE certification due diligence review of De Nora Permelec Ltd.

TRACE has issued De Nora Permelec Ltd a certificate signifying that the company has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process.

TRACE certification underscores De Nora Permelec Ltd's commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions."

De Nora Permelec Supplier code of ethics

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